Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Few Work from Home Business Myths

Many people's dream is to have a work from home business. We all get tired of the 9-5 grind
and if you are like me, you spend hours dreaming of being at home and running your own work
from home business
. Over the years, the internet has made this type of venture very appealling,
and if you spend any time at all doing any type of research, you can easily begin to believe
all the appeals that are made to you concerning the prospects of running your very own work
from home business.

I would like to inspect a few of the myths that surround this dream. I was amazed at the
number of people who showed an interest in a work from home business, but felt they could
start this business with no or very little outlay of money. As with any business enterprise,
there will be a monetary cost, and if you really believe you can start a legitimate business
with no monetary cost, you are just living in a dream world. Please do yourself and your family
a big favor, and stop right now. Let me tell you, there's nothing easy or inexpensive about
running a work from home business - online or off. The Internet is just a different way of
going about it. And that's all!

MYTH#1 - It's Easy, Anyone Can Do It

FACT - It's not easy, by any stretch of the imagination, and no, you may not be able to do it.

Establishing a work from home Internet business is a long, slow, extremely frustrating process.
Your first attempt at creating your own web site will be an abomination. You'll look back at it
in 12 months and shudder. I look at my first website, that I sweated blood to create, and it is
absolutely disgusting to me now. Others probably feel the same!

You'll feel utterly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information you need to absorb. The fact
that six different "experts" each tell you six different things doesn't help. There are no "experts",
just a lot of people with a lot of opinions. Bottom line? Do what works and feels right for you!

After spending an ENTIRE DAY trying to work out what's going on with your search engine listings,
giving up, going searching for yet another "expert" to tell you what you're doing wrong, and then
finally realizing there is no such expert and you're going to have to learn how to do it all yourself
after all. You then realize you have done nothing all day to promote your business and you still
have articles to write,but you can't do that tomorrow, because you have to go back to work at your
J.O.B., because something has to be done to pay the mounting bills.

Many, many people, give it up. Most, probably. It's hard
work and it's frustrating. At the end of the day, most are
just not prepared to do what it takes.

MYTH#2 - I Can Get Wealthy Overnight

FACT - The only way to get wealthy overnight in this world
is to win the Lotto. It will NOT happen on the Internet.
Not these days, anyway.

MYTH#3 - Once I Build My Website I Can Relax And
Let It Do the Work For Me

FACT - Sure! See Myth #4.

MYTH#4 - Once I Build My Website The World Will Beat
A Path To My Door

FACT - No. It won't.

Merely creating a web site and uploading it to your host's server means that your
web site is available for viewing by*those who know it exists*.
Only problem is, you and your web host are the only ones who know. Your web
host doesn't care (at least as long as you pay your monthly hosting fees).

You now need to submit your site to the search engines
(no, they will not just find it automatically and no, your
web site is not just automatically added to some great
universal Index once it's uploaded). Then you have to wait
several weeks or months to find out whether it's been
indexed. And if by some miracle it has, where and for what
keywords. And then fix it.

In the meantime, you have to drive traffic to your site via
other means. You'll need to submit it to directories,start publishing
a weekly newsletter, start writing articles and submitting them wherever
you can (including a link to your site in the resource box at
the end is good free advertising) and, shudder, advertising.
And not in the FFAs and free classifieds either. In other
people's ezines. On other people's websites. In the
classifieds section of newspapers (yes, the kind that leaves
black stuff on your fingers when you read it). All of this
costs money. Plenty of it. If you're running a network MLM
marketing business as your work from home business, you're also going to need to pay for leads
during this period as well.

MYTH#5 - I Don't Have To Spend Money To Market My

FACT - Yes, you do.

You wouldn't expect to be able to market an offline business
without financial outlay. Well, guess what? It's just the same
in your work from home online business. See Myth #4.

Oh, and by the way, when you're re-reading Myth #4, keep
this in mind. You haven't made a dime yet.

MYTH#6 - I Can Put the Whole Thing On Autopilot And
Make Money While I Sleep (Or Vacation)

FACT - True. To a point.

By automating as many of your tasks as possible you
necessarily free up time to do other things. You COULD
use that time to sleep or vacation and you MAY make money
while you're sleeping or vacationing. THIS time. But you
must sow before you can reap and if you're not continually
planting and growing your work from home business, the time will come in the
not too distant future when you have nothing left to
harvest. You'll wake up one morning and find that, far from
filling your inbox with overnight orders, your business has
bitten the dust.

So, instead of taking that freed up time and spending it
sleeping or vacationing, spend it working your business.

In other words, you'll get out of your business precisely
what you put into it. Just like anything else in this world.

MYTH#7 - I Don't Have To Deal With People, I Can Do
Everything Via Email

FACT - Email is what you use to handle routine administrative
issues and a tool to get prospective customers or networking
partners to contact you. Once that happens, you take the
relationship OFFLINE. You get on the phone and actually
TALK to these people. The Internet is not an iron curtain
that protects you from having to have real life conversations
and relationships with people. It's just a tool that brings you
together so that the real work of establishing relationships
can begin. Offline.

MYTH#8 - I Will Be Able to Fire My Boss And Work Where
I Want, When I Want ... In Six Months Or Less

FACT - Don't give up your day job just yet.At six months, you are just getting started.

MYTH#9 - When I'm Working For Myself From Home In
My Online Business I Will Be Able To Spend As Much Time
With My Children As I Want

FACT - When you're running a work from home business, you're running a
business. It's not a pleasant little hobby that you fit in between the
stuff of your REAL life. If you're not going to run your business as a business,
forget about any type of success.

MYTH#10 - The Internet Is A Magic Wand

FACT - See Myths#1 through #9.

If you need help understanding a work from home business and what you can do to get your site high
in Google rankings, check out It's Good Business.

The new business plan can save you much time and tears, not to mention mmoney.

Marilyn Nelson


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