Thursday, October 30, 2008

Work From Home- Develope Relationships

Work From Home-Develope Relationships

If you approach your work from home business with a "get rich quick" mind set, you will quickly learn that it does not work. People buy, especially off the internet, from people they know and trust. This is going to require you to develop an attitude of "get rich slow", and take your time to develop relationships with those who have shown an interest in your business or whatever product your work from home business is presenting to them.

Relationships take time to build and will require you to have an interest in that person and what their needs may be. Developing your online business is all about relationship building and you developing a presence where you are known. I know the "get rich" mind set may be a new thought.

I know that advice does not match up with what you are usually seeing in the training for a lot of work from home businesses, but it is the truth. Just think how you feel and how you buy products off the internet.

Do you buy from the hyped up "get rich overnight" sites that flood the internet? I know that I did buy from these when I first started, but after losing a bit of money and seeing them for what they were all about, I now usually only buy from people I know and trust and I know their products have value.

Don't fall for the get rich quick schemes. Develope a mind set that you will provide a service of quality and spend some time with people who come to your site or answer ads for your work from home business, and truely try to provide a product or service that meets their needs. You will sleep better at night and you will see your business grow.

If this person can see that you care about them and their needs, I promise you will have a much greater chance of doing business with him or her. If your product can meet a need this person has, and they have developed a relationship with you, they will probably buy from you.

In the process of desiring to be successful with our work from home business, we have to realize we will only be successful if we meet the needs of others.

It is so easy to loose track of the human need to be in relationship with others, especially in this fast paced, high tech world we live in now. These relationships with others will bring stability to your work from home business as these people are known to come back and buy again and again.

You only need 2 things to make money on the internet, Veretekk and Its Good Business.

You will find the finest trainig available to teach you how to effectively build your business. You can believe all the lies,scams, and gurus if you like, but you will eventually get so fed up you will quit, or you will learn the ins and outs of online marketing from trainers who have been marketing on the internet for years.

Attend a free Its Good Business presentation on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afetnoon at It's Good Find out for yourself how you can learn how to develope your business for things like retirement.

This one hour presentation can change your life forever and will definately give you a new perspective on how to make money online. The new business model will make sense and you will see why you may have struggled in the past.

Marilyn Nelson

Skype: marnels



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